We are a small but mighty collection of thinkers, creatives, and do-ers.

Arrow pointing right

Our story all began with an idea. We wanted to launch a business, turning a hobby into something more.

With over 15 years combined experience, we decided that helping people find success in business was way more fun to us than running our own business.

We have learned SO MUCH since creating our e-commerce business in 2015. We failed, we found what worked, we tripped up again and again, but ultimately - we GREW!

Email Marketing has been, and still is at the core of our business strategy - and quite frankly, we don’t know what we would do without it. It keeps our wheels turning, and pulls every single other marketing effort together for maximum ROI.

And so… we are Faito Studio, email marketing and business specialists - and we’re glad you’re here!

Meet the team

Fran Fagbohun

Founder, Chief Email Marketer

Smiling man of color

Ecommerce Specialist, Web Developer

Akin Fagbohun